

1. Linux for Dummies

If you’re a total beginner like me, this cheat sheet might be helpful for you to understand more of the commands we’ll use on a daily basis.

2. Why Learn Linux as an IT Professional

This cool video explains why learning Linux is important for us future IT professionals. There are 6 awesome reasons in this video.

3. Cybersecurity 101

This article covers everything from cybersecurity principles to notable cybersecurity attacks that have happened. It totally helped me grasp the whole concept of cybersecurity. No more than 20 minutes read!

4. C Language Tutorial

This link basically has everything you need to get started programming in C language. It has a lot of code examples that you can compile and execute.

5. Intro to File Systems

This lecture slides explain many things from the reason why file systems exist to the VFS Interface.

6. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

It contains an introduction to the Linux directory structure (directories and their description).

7. Malloc and Free in C Language

This article explains how do functions like Malloc and Free work on dynamic data structures.

8. Little Endian and Big Endian

This video will help you understand more about the way to read memory where one of them reads from the beginning to end and another reads from end to beginning.

9. Virtual Memory in OS

This article includes characteristics and implementations of virtual memories.

10. Memory Management

This article explains various topics from Logical vs Physical Address Space to Memory Allocations.

11. Concurrency in OS

This link will take you to an article filled with principles, issues, advantages, and disadvantages of Concurrency in OS.

12. Threads and Concurrency Notes

Complete Notes of everything about Threads and Concurrency in operating systems.

13. Deadlock vs Starvation

In this article you will learn about deadlock, starvation, and also the difference between the two.

14. Process Synchronization in OS

In the link above you will learn about the definition of Process Synchronization, how does it work, and many more!

15. Process Scheduling in OS

You will learn about the essential part of a multiprogramming operating systems that is Process Scheduling.

16. CPU Scheduling in OS

This article covers the basic concepts of CPU scheduling, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms, thread scheduling, and many more things!

17. What is UEFI?

You will learn about a specification for a software program that connects a computer’s firmware to its operating system.

18. What is BIOS?

You will learn about the program used by a computer’s microprocessor to start the computer system after it powered on.